We are beginning to glimpse how human beings will be spread in two big groups: droids and ancients. Droids walk fast by streets, have most part of day connected to virtual reality through satellit internet channels. The time is their most value asset. When the more time, the more technologic knowledge they achieve to escale upper levels as social categories. They will make up 90% of human inhabitants. 10% of the rest, the ancients, will be merged and shifted into the suburbs. Their most value passion will be to find any isolated green place in the collapsed Earth, far away from the rush, in order to find the peace. They will reject the second life in the virtual world hence they will be automatically out of the system. Governments let them to live as a relic, without any real rights. A little bit as EUA did the same with native Indians. Only those who tends a bridge and assume some kind of technology culture will be taken into account in the society.

Nowadays we can glimpse a withdraw. In big cities lots of people are connected all the day with their electronic devices, called fancy smartphones, ipads, laptops. They need and look for free wifi like gold seekers. They hear music, spoke by phone, play electronic games, search other people connected and surf by internet, but reject subconsciously facing real persons and real life. They continuously seem busy and go hurry wherever. They hardly interact with other beings. If do, only after a long term relationship through the virtual channel, that in most of cases become fakes due to the meddling of multinational companies, that seek their commercial interests. This fact make them slowly fallen into deeper painful sadness.
At the end, these people has a great fearing: they cannot assume that despite they are surrounded of hundreds nearby peers, they are almost alone in the world with infinite distances with the closer person. Genetically humans cannot well-being without interact other humans, it push them insitinctivelly to suicide. The trend of this behavior is to grow, in conjuction with the develop of technology and the increasing of human population. Green fields, woods, forests, natural virgin spaces, are slowly constrainted due to the needing of vital space of the humanity. Little towns, where people relate openly in the street and lives peaceful and widely, without the needing of distorsion of virtual channels, are being disappeared.
We are trying to maintain some kind of friendship using social networks, that allow you to have thousands of friends, but this kind of relationship hardly can fit with the real one since time spended in each person is reduced drastically. We are trying to construct our own bubbles of reality to make ourselves happier due to our brain lazyness provoked by technolgy. Examples of bubbles: social networks, lobbies, political parties, professional networks, fitnesss centers clubs, religions, nationalisms, all *isms, etc. We are continuosly changing these groups since our capacity to understand and stand with real people is reduced exponencially with the facility technology brings to us to change them. At last technology force us to pursue a higher worldly interest on other people, therefore destroying true friendship. Technology turns ourselves lazybones. That jeopardize human being since we are completely dependent on machines.
Who can live currently without spending hours surfing in internet, using iphones, playing virtual games? Hardly anyone. Only a few, the future ancient, will bring and keep to the rest of humanity the awarness about that to pursue the happiness is not needed the dependence and the complexity of technology, but only a few simple greek classic virtues. We did forget to give and do not expect anything worldy from another. Only this classic virtues, outside the virtual channel, could bring us longer happiness. Technology only brings lazyminds and sporadic irreal felicity. If we cannot domain and forget it, we will be lost. It is only an advice.
Awesommeeee! Its similar to the world of Philip k Dick
ResponderEliminarUn poco tétrico ese mundo.
ResponderEliminarDe todos modos sobreestimamos el desarrollo tecnológico. Cuando se pisó la Luna se pensó que en el año 2010 estaríamos ya instalando campamentos en Marte, y miren donde estamos.
Mientras no se descubran nuevas formas de energía dificil lo veo.
y como esas nuevas formas podrían desestabilizar el status quo actual de reparto de poder, mejor esperamos un ratito mas...